The outsourced department of University of Debrecen called Aeronautical Engineering is located in PHARMAFLIGHT’ International Science and Service Center, right next to Debrecen International Airport. PHARMAFLIGHT ATO (Approved Training Organization) is an EASA approved training organization that complies with European Union legislation.
Our aim is to train professionals who are capable of working for aviation companies as professional pilots, who understand aviation, traffic, air operation and ground handling assignments and tasks. During their studies, pilot candidates will acquire the necessary requirements for ATP(A) (Airline Transport Pilot) integrated training and, upon successful completion of the course, will receive a CPL / IR license with ATPL theory credit and will take part on a A320 type rating course or Airline Pilot Standards Multi-Crew Cooperation course too.
Students complete the training on a Cessna 172, Tecnam P2008JC and P2006T aircraft together with FNPT II and FFS simulators.
Why this program is a unique one?
Compared to other aviation engineering programs, after completion of the integrated course, the students, during the last semester,spend an additional 50 plus hours on the Airbus A320 simulator . The A320 is the highest-selling airliner in the world thus getting experience on this aircraft type is a huge advantage when applying for an airline position and also highly increases the training effectiveness .
What does the training provide?
- ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) integrated training with theoretical and practical official exams before the examiners of the Aviation Authority
- Practical training on the simulators of the PHARMAFLIGHT aircraft [link simulators], which prepares for navigation procedures at Debrecen Airport
- Providing comprehensive aviation knowledge, which enables:
- the provision of professional aircraft piloting activities,
- solving tasks related to air operation,
- the ability to provide ground handling and transportation-related projects,
- complete performance of quality assurance duties.
- They master the requirements of ATP(A), i.e. Airline Transport Pilot, Aircraft integrated training
- Professional English language education according to EU Regulation 1178/2011 (November 3, 2011)
7 Semester
The program can be divided into two main parts. Firstly, applicants undergo a standard engineering bachelor degree program in relation to aviation and secondly, they complete the integrated airline transport pilot program (integrated ATP(A)), including both theoretical and practical training.
How is the integrated ATP(A) course built up?
- Theoretical part: 13 ATPL theoretical knowledge subjects followed by the authority theoretical knowledge exams defined by EASA.
- Practical training part: 6 phases of training, a total of 200 flight hours in single pilot and multi-pilot operation both on simulators and on single-engine and multi-engine aircraft.
Further information
Online brochure of the Professional Pilot, BSC Program