The management of PHARMAFLIGHT recently welcomed a large delegation from Global Airways. The interest of this prestigious international airline was strongly emphasized by the participation of Sandy Bayne, COO (Chief Operational Officer), Arijandas Sliupas, AM (Acountable Manager), Vilmantas Rudelis, HT (Head of Training), Neil Richardson, Chief Training Captain and John O'Shea, representing Global Airways Ireland. On behalf of PHARMAFLIGHT Zrt., Dr. Enikő Földi, CEO, led the discussions.
The Global Airways delegate at PHARMAFLIGHT
Global Airways has no secret that it is looking to expand its European base, in which PHARMAFLIGHT will provide a wide range of training. The company's short- and medium-term plans include the expansion of the current crew, in which PHARMAFLIGHT will play a dual role. On the one hand, it is necessary to train the current first officers as captains and, on the other hand, to train the group of PHARMAFLIGHT graduates who wish to become first officers and who, after obtaining their degree, wish to work for Global Airways.
Global Airways' presentation to our pilot cadets
The negotiators have also agreed that the PHARMAFLIGHT Aeromedical Centre will carry out the aeromedical examinations of all Global Airways crew members, whether they are renewal, extension or initial medical examinations. And as part of the long term collaboration, PHARMAFLIGHT will create an integrated ATPL training course for Global Airways, which will include the airline's unique specifications.