News and Press releases

News and Press releases

Prestigious guests visited PHARMAFLIGHT again

From 3 to 5 June, PHARMAFLIGHT's management hosted Sven Aerts, representative of the European Spas Association (ESPA) and the European Directorate General of Health from Brussels, and Patrick Bensen, founder of Brainmark.

Balról jobbra: Sven Aerts (ESPA, DG of Health), Farkas Gabriella, Patrick Bensen (Brainmark), Dr Szűcs Botond, Dezső Dávid, Tar CsengeLeft to right: Sven Aerts (ESPA, DG of Health), Gabriella Farkas, Patrick Bensen (Brainmark), Dr Botond Szűcs, Dávid Dezső, Csenge Tar

The founder of Brainmark, Patrick Bensen, a psychologist by training, gave an update on the development of a non-invasive headset that fully maps mental capacity. During the talks, the guests and PHARMAFLIGHT executives agreed to further cooperation, under which Sven Aerts will represent the Company in the European Union in the aviation/health/safety field. Patrick Bensen offered his own instrumentation (headset) to complement PHARMAFLIGHT's PHAPA measurement.

A Brainmark headset-je teljeskörű mentális elemzést adBrainmark's headset provides a full mental analysis

Thus, from now on, PHARMAFLIGHT's health services will not only map complex physiological and physical functions, but also analyse complete mental performance. The participants also agreed to jointly explore further potential customers in Europe as well as overseas (airlines, large multinationals, aircraft manufacturers).

Patrick Bensen személyesen is kipróbálta a PHAPA méréstPatrick Bensen has tried the PHAPA measurement

One of the first and biggest milestones of the joint cooperation is the 2024 Olympic Games, where PHARMAFLIGHT will be presenting its world-class measurement solutions at the OLY House from 4 to 6 August.


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