MCC(A) basic training

Before you can start your career as an airline pilot, complete the MCC basic training with us!

The course is designed to give pilots flying single-pilot operations the skills to fly multi-pilot, jet-powered, complex aircraft. Participants in the training will gain competence in performing normal, abnormal and emergency tasks. Our course will help you improve your leadership, decision-making and teamwork skills in the cockpit.

The objectives of the MCC course are to develop the technical and non-technical components of the knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes required to operate a multi-pilot aircraft, as listed in the following section.

What does the training provide?

  • 25 hours of theoretical training
  • 20 hours of practical training on a simulator

Application criteria:

  • 18 years of age
  • ICAO English level 4 or higher.
  • CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence), IR (Instrument rating) and MEP (Multi-engine Piston Class rating)
  • a Class I medical certificate equivalent to a licence

Training duration: 3 weeks

Training language: English

The training will be conducted on Airbus A320 FFS and FNPTII MCC simulators, for which a general knowledge of the type is essential. The necessary information will be taught separately during the course.

If you would like to apply for one of our training courses, please send us copies of documents proving your existing qualifications and experience so that we can determine the exact number of hours and duration of the training, in particular with regard to credits.

Apply for training


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